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목록2024/08/13 (1)
Toolofv 님의 블로그
[Python] Leet code 3. 중복 문자 없는 가장 긴 부분 문자열 (Longest Substring WIthout Repeating Characters)
Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. 중복 문자가 없는 가장 긴 부분 문자열의 길이를 리턴하라 입출력 예시Example 1:Input: s = "abcabcbb"Output: 3Explanation: The answer is "abc", with the length of 3.Example 2:Input: s = "bbbbb"Output: 1Explanation: The answer is "b", with the length of 1.Example 3:Input: s = "pwwkew"Output: 3Explanation: The answer is "wke", with the leng..
2024. 8. 13. 23:48